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Photo album by Mauro Pesce.

Butterfly of Los Molles
Stunning Alstroemeria pelegrina, it grows very close to the shoreline, where the sea stabilises the temperature fluctuation. As you can see, it has an excellent ornamental value.

'Capachito' or Calceolaria, is a genus of plants that consists of about 388 species of shrubs, lianas and herbs. With its distribution centre in Andean region, they have usually yellow flowers, which can have red spots like this Calceolaria corymbosa.

You can find the Eriosyce curvispina, known locally as 'Quisquito', at the north facing slopes of the Andes and the Coastal Range of central Chile.

Herb of the Worm
Nolana crassulifolia, know popularly as 'sosa' or 'hierba de la lombriz' (herb of the worm), is a bush with succulent leaves that grows fully exposed to the sun in coastal areas. The plants obtain water mainly from condensation.

'Pico de Loro' Orchid
This Chloraea bletioides is a central chilean native orchid. We saw it in broad daylight, growing wild near The Apoquindo Waterfall on early december.

Endemic of Chile, the Echinopsis chiloensis can attain a height of eight metres. The wood and spines of this cactus are used for art crafts; the plants are not killed for this purpose, hence this is not a threat.

Glory of the Sun
A mild vanilla aroma Leucocoryne specimen with light violet petals and white pistils. The genus is endemic of Chile, and here we call them 'huilli', meaning south. You can find the in the Chilean Coastal Range and on the coast itself.

Pata de Guanaco
A bee dance through the violet petals of a Cistanthe grandiflora in Los Molles, region of Valparaiso. Known locally as 'pata de guanaco' (foot of guanaco) this plant grows in coastal zones between rocks.

Fox Ear
Known locally as 'orejas de zorro' (fox ears), the Aristolochia chilensis, native to Chile, has retorse hairs on the flower to catch flies, and nectaries to sustain them for a day within the sac-like structure, where they make a pollen exchange.

Ortiga Caballuna
Watch out, this is one of the most urticating and itchy plants in the world. Scientifically named Loasa tricolor, it's common to find them at the hillsides. Remember to step out of their way!

Blue Chagual
The flowers of the Puya berteroniana are expected to last for around two weeks but it will sadly be the first and last time the 6ft tall plant blooms as they die shortly after the flowers fade.

Train Golden Poppy
Eschscholzia californica was found only in USA and Mexico, until someone that was carrying californian poppy seeds took a train and spread gold through the Chilean Matorral.

Quilloi - Quilloi
Stellaria chilensis Pedersen: an elegant five petals (divided in two parts each) white tiny flower photographed in Palmas de Ocoa.

Sweet Herb
Besides being a sweetener, the leaves of the Calceolaria thyrsiflora, locally known as 'hierba dulce' (sweet herb), are used in folk medicine for their healing, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

They are native to Europe, but we can find them in the wild; this one was photographed at the foot of the Andes near Saltos de Apoquindo. The bug seems to highly enjoy that yellow pollen sun.

Great Soldier of the Mountains
Tropaeolum polyphyllum has small, rounded tubers which are buried deep in the ground and which enable it to survive being covered with snow for several months.

Flor del Gallo
Meaning 'Flower of the Rooster', this red orange to yellow with black stripes flower was seen in Aguas de Ramón during spring. Scientific name: Alstroemeria ligtu.

White Huilli
This variety of Leucocoryne ixioides, another type of 'huilli', has six white petals with a subtle purple line across them. The foliage of all species of Leucocoryne is long and narrow and has an onion-like scent.

White Lily
This white Alstroemeria has a slight shade of pink. The flower at the middle lacks one of the yellow bar with red dots petals; she flew into the soil like calm breeze.

Inca Lily
Alluring set of Alstroemeria pulchra, called locally 'mariposa del campo' (country butterfly). The flowers of the Alstroemeria genre are used in ornamental gardening all over the world, and are commonly called the 'Inca lily'.

Sand Lily
Native to north and central Chile, where it's known as 'lirio de arena' (sand lily), the Alstroemeria hookeri produces pretty umbels of pink funnel-shaped flowers.

Quillaja saponaria tree has thick, dark bark, smooth, leathery, shiny, oval evergreen leaves 3–5 cm long, white flowers 15 mm diameter borne in dense corymbs, and a dry fruit.

Grows in the andean soil in humid grounds.

Under full sun exposure –as they like– the petals of Cistanthe picta look bright and velvety.

From genus Senecio, this native flower of Chile lives in high altitudes far above the forest edge.

This warriors love the for us adverse conditions of The Andes: cold snowy winters to dry summers in high altitudes. Rhodophiala rhodolirion

Other andean flower of the Senecio genus resistent to extreme conditions.

White Star
Perezia carthamoides or 'estrella blanca de la cordillera' (white star from the mountains) can resist lows of nearly -4ºF. It was found near El Morado.

Ñipa Siete Camisas
Ñipa or Siete Camisas ('Seven Shirts')

Ulmo flowers contain a highly appreciated aromatic nectar, harvested by introduced European bees and commercialized as "ulmo honey" (miel de Ulmo).
Wonderful pictures! Were all of them taken near Santiago?
Yes, all photos were taken this past spring and early summer at places no more than 2 hours from Santiago while we were exploring the zone and defining the hiking trails! Glad you like them Franco ;)